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How long does it take to learn the piano?

This depends on your exact goal, your ability and the amount of time you dedicate to practice.

When you start learning the piano, it is important to attend your lessons weekly and it’s crucial that you are taught the basics correctly. This will increase your motivation and encourage you to move on to the next level faster. Make sure your piano instructor is experienced, follows a structure and is used to teaching kids and adults so he or she can set you on the right musical path.

You can easily learn the piano in 6 months as long you spend 40 minutes a day on practising. It’s good to break down your practice as follows:

  • Practise your scales for 10 minutes a day

  • Play by ear for 10 minutes a day

  • Sight-read and spend time learning your piece for at least 20 minutes a day

Your everyday practice will guarantee, that you will gather excellent musical knowledge in regards to piano notation and technique. You should only work if you are willing to put the time and effort into it.

Here is my advice if you want to be successful piano player..

Please don’t wonder how long it takes and get practising as playing the piano every day is essential for your success. Follow the advice of your piano teacher as they will guide you to fulfil your needs and goals. Your piano teacher perfectly knows what pieces you should be working on and they will give you plenty of exercises that will help you resolve any technical or musical difficulties. They will expect a good result from a professional pianist point of view and you should focus on playing your pieces relatively well and enjoy doing it!

If you have not succeeded yet, it’s because the advice was wrong, you haven’t applied the technique in a right manner, or simply you haven’t dedicated enough time to practice.

My conclusion in “how long does it take to learn piano” is simple. Keep up your practice and don’t miss a day, even if it means playing for 10 minutes. In 6 months, you should be performing simple piano pieces as long as you follow my advice above.

Good luck and enjoy!

Why playing scales is so necessary?

There are so many benefits in playing scales on the Piano and below are some examples:

  • They help you develop stronger fingers and overall awareness of tonality and the piano keys

  • Scales and arpeggios help you to develop a strong sense of rhythm, articulation and speed

  • They teach you how to effectively move your thumb and correct hand positioning

  • Scales develop excellent co-ordination between the two hands

  • Scales will help you to improve the vision of the piano layout

  • Scales will develop your awareness of touch, balance, tone and overall keyboard geography, sense of rhythm, speed and articulation

Different Methods and how we learn the piano

Many teachers believe that a better understanding of how students obtain and process information will result in more effective piano teaching. I would like to talk about how we process new information as there are many theories of learning styles, personality types, multiple intelligences, and learning modalities. To make this easier to understand, the concept of modality is perception, memory, and sensation.

When we learn the piano, we often use the VISUAL concept. The students usually process information through visual means, by reading and writing or looking at pictures. In the case of piano student, this will often be the one who can sight - read well, but if you asked them to sing the melody that she just played, they might not be able to. The student might play the piano very accurately, but might have difficulty playing expressively or may have trouble memorising their music.

Here are some tips to improve your piano playing:

· Use flashcards and worksheets

· Write notes and rhythms on the white board

Another concept is AUDITORY. An auditory person learns best by hearing or listening, then repeating what they have heard. These types of piano players are able to play just about anything by ear, but are puzzled by reading even the simplest music. The student would rather guess than read music.

Further tips to improve your piano playing:

· Spell the notes aloud as you play

· Clap the rhythms before you play

· Try and sing your piece before you play it

TACTILE/KINESTHETIC students will learn through their body or sense of touch so they fall into category of students that often enjoy dance or athletics. The tactile learner will learn by doing. They usually just go for it and figure out the rest as they go along. These types of students will take pride in playing the same piece over and over again and they never seem to be tired of it.

These techniques will improve your piano playing:

· Play and practice by doing

· Clap the rhythm before you play

· Learn theory by using worksheets

· Compose – write your own music and try to play it on the piano

When the student's learning style is not recognised, the learning and teaching can be very the frustrating for both the student and the piano teacher. Good piano technique will certainly help every pianist of every style, background and experience. It will make them learn the piano faster and perform to their best ability.

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